As the episode begins, the Unified Defense Force has been dispatched to the landing site of a giant alien, 300 km from the shoreline. The water bursts open as an alien capsule shoots out of its surface to reveal a cute, giant sheep. Unable to contend with the enormous alien, the girls retreat behind Mi-kun. The sheep begins making its way to the Shin-Yokohama Station. Paralyzed with fear, the girls continue to sob until Mi-kun and Hayate decide to go after the sheep themselves. Knowing full well that they are only plastic and unarmored, Mi-kun and Hayate attempt to stop the sheep. The girls catch up to the vehicles only to watch in horror as Mi-kun begins to get crushed by the giant alien. Not being able to bear the thought of losing Mi-kun, Mao-chan runs toward the alien when suddenly her badge begins to glow. The girls quickly get into position for the United Defense Barrier and finally succeed in activating it. Sylvia forgot to run into position, so the barrier was wasted and the giant sheep is able to steal the Bullet Train. Although they failed to stop the theft, the girls are overjoyed that Mi-kun and Hayate are safe. The episode ends with Emperor Galactica enjoying his possession of the stolen train.